Improving Reproductive Health Outcomes for Young Women

Young women in the United States (especially those in under resourced communities) face a number of unique challenges when it comes to reproductive health. From inadequate access to healthcare and education, to cultural stigmas and misinformation, these young women are often left without the resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies.

To listen/watch to the full podcast interview hosted by Greater Than Zero Percent (GTZP), visit our or Spotify or Apple.

Fortunately, organizations like Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. Foundation are working hard to improve reproductive health outcomes for young women across the country. Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. is a nonprofit organization founded by Chez Smith dedicated to empowering young women of color by providing them with comprehensive sexual health education and access to quality healthcare services.

  • H - Healthy
  • O - Optimistic
  • O - Outstanding
  • D - Determined

Founded in 2011, Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. has been working tirelessly ever since to ensure that adolescent females have access to accurate information about their reproductive health and can make informed decisions about their bodies. The foundation's mission is twofold: first, they strive to provide comprehensive sexual health education that is tailored specifically for young women of color; second, they work with community partners and healthcare providers across the country to ensure that adolescent females have access to quality healthcare services.

To achieve these goals, Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. offers a variety of programs and initiatives designed specifically for this population. One such program is their Reproductive Health Education Program (RHEP). This program provides comprehensive sexual health education through interactive workshops led by trained facilitators who specialize in working with young women from diverse backgrounds. The workshops cover topics such as contraception methods, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, body image issues, consent and more.

In addition, Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. works closely with local community organizations and healthcare providers across the country on initiatives such as providing free or low-cost contraception options for young women who may not otherwise be able afford them; advocating for better sex education policies at both state and federal levels; organizing events aimed at raising awareness around reproductive justice issues; providing support groups for young women dealing with unplanned pregnancies; and much more.

If you're interested in getting involved with Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. Foundation's efforts towards improving reproductive health outcomes for young women across America there are several ways you can do so:

  • Donate: Every donation helps support Gyrls in the H.O.O.D.’s mission of empowering young women of color through comprehensive sexual health education & access to quality healthcare services!
  • Volunteer: Volunteers play an essential role at Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. – from helping out at events & fundraisers or leading RHEP workshops – your time & energy will help make a difference!
  • Advocate: Share your voice & help spread awareness about our mission by joining the, on social media or writing letters/emails/calls/tweets/etc…to elected officials advocating for better sex ed policies!
  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about their work & how you can get involved by visiting their website or following on social media!

Gyrls in the H.O.O.D. Foundation believes that all adolescents should have access to accurate information about their bodies so they can make informed decisions regarding their own reproductive health care needs – join them today & help us create positive change!

To listen/watch to the full podcast interview hosted by Greater Than Zero Percent (GTZP), visit our or Spotify or Apple.

- Joseph

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